Hihi, I'm Mika (Mikaël), I'm based in France, and I'm the one behind Surfing Dirt. Right now, I'm clearly spending more time behind a keyboard than on a board, but hey, it's long! Otherwise I have been mountainboarding for 20 years, and I still love it! Mountainboard doesn't get the attention it deserves, so I hope to change that with this site! See you on Surfing Dirt!
Photos from the Freestyle finals at the Compiege WMC in 2023
I started building a kicker to start riding again (injury, covid and other projects have kept me away from my board for too long!) This is what we're talking about: https://drawmeakicker.com/?id=236
Moab, le parc naturel de l'Utah!
Rampart (Colorado) Freeride
Des vieilles photos qui datent de 2009-2010, à l'époque ou le spot du TMC31 en était à ses débuts.
A selection of videos to help people discover mountainboarding.
Like many people, during confinement, I took advantage of my free time to do some construction ...
Old photos dating from when I lived in Toulouse (France).
The mailman decided to play hide and seek so I only just got my hands on my new Haero Boards deck now. It looks so bad ass! I'm a cat person, but I forgive you Phil!